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Polly Carve Gargoyle 

Polly Carve Introduction

This project I was an introduction to working with styrofoam, as part of this introduction we were given the task to make Gargoyle display piece.

I at first I was not very confident as I worried about removing too much material but I was able to take my time and create I shape that somewhat resembled more a Dragon Gargoyle hybrid which I added additional details in blue foam which were blued to the base sculpt with expanding Foam.

Once I was happy with the design I coated the carving in Fintex with added wood chips to create a rough stone texture with green and brown acrylic used too add weathering Details.

Despite this being somewhat of a simple design due to my apprehension when it came to carving I am still very happy with the final results as I could see this as part of a piece of set dressing for a play which I would consider as a possible career pose course.    



Finished Gargoyle

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